Moodle disruption - Wed. March 12

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Thompson Rivers University
Thompson Rivers University

Faculty Guidelines

Class Lists
Class lists are available at Faculty/Instructors will only see class lists where they are listed as the primary faculty or instructor. The waitlist for each section is available under Summary Wait List.

If you do not see a student’s name on the class list, they are not registered in the class and should not be attending. The student should contact the Registrar’s Office to resolve the issue.

Reserved Sections
Seats in some sections may be reserved for specific program students. These are denoted by a letter in front of the section number and are cross-listed with the regular sections. Remember to check these special sections when checking class lists and submitting grades.

Student Attendance (Policy ED 3-1)
A registered student who does not attend the first two events (e.g., lectures/labs/ etc.) of their course and who has not made prior arrangements acceptable to the faculty/instructor may, at the discretion of the faculty/instructor, be considered to have withdrawn from the course and be removed from the class list at the request of the faculty/instructor.

Faculty/Instructors are asked to send student names, T-IDs, course title and CRN to within the add/drop period. The Registrar’s Office will remove the student from the class. This will assist any students waitlisted for a class.

Waitlists (Policy ED 3-7)
Students on waitlists will be notified by from the Registrar’s Office when a space becomes available. They are then asked to register for the course via myTRU within 24 hours of notification.

Please note, students are expected to attend the first two events (e.g., lectures/labs/ etc.) of a class they are waitlisted for. Waitlisted students who attend the first two days of class will be given priority for vacant seats by order of the waitlist.

For waitlisted students who have not attended, faculty/Instructors are asked to send student names, T-IDs, course title and CRN to within the add/drop period. The Registrar’s Office will remove the student from the waitlist process.

Outlook Email
Correspondence from the Registrar’s Office will go to students’ Outlook email located in myTRU. Ask your students to log into Outlook on the first day of class and set up a forwarding rule to their personal email so they won’t miss important communications.

Students can add or drop a course through myTRU during the add/drop period and have their fees automatically adjusted at the same time.

Withdrawal (Policy ED 3-0)
After the add/drop period, students may withdraw from a class through myTRU up to the withdrawal deadline. Fees remain due.

Withdrawal in Extenuating Circumstances (Policy ED 3-0, IV.)
Students who miss the withdrawal deadline may be eligible for a withdrawal if they can satisfy the Registrar that they have suffered illness or other extenuating circumstances beyond their control. The withdrawal request must be accompanied by appropriate documentation, as determined by the Registrar’s Office.
Withdrawal in Extenuating Circumstances form

Accessibility Services (BRD 10-0)
Students with disabilities may request accommodations or support services by contacting Accessibility Services.

Counselling Services (ADM 17-0)
Counsellors work alongside students to develop strategies for improved academic performance. They also offer support with personal assessment tools and workshops. Short-term individual counselling is also available and focuses on creating action plans and support networks that combat stress, anxiety, depression and other personal issues.

Missed Exams
Faculty/Instructors may arrange rescheduled exams for students who miss an exam due to illness or extenuating circumstances.

Submission of Final Grades (Policy ED 3-11)
Faculty/Instructors are required to submit a final grade for each student within 5 business days from the date of the final exam. If there is no scheduled final exam for a course, the final grades must be submitted within 10 business days after the last regular class meeting, but no later than 5 business days after the last exam scheduled by the University for that semester. Faculty/Instructors are to submit final grades through myTRU.

Grading Systems (Policy ED 3-5)
If a student requires more time to complete a course, but the faculty/instructor and student agree on completion at a later date, the faculty/instructor may approve a six week extension and enter a DEF (deferred) in myTRU. DEF grades will be changed to DNC grades six weeks after the end of the term if the Registrar’s Office has not received a replacement grade.

If a student did not complete the course; less than 50% of course work completed or mandatory course component(s) not completed, the faculty/instructor is asked to enter a DNC (did not complete) in myTRU.

An F grade is an earned grade where the student completes the course but the achievement is unsatisfactory.

Grade Changes
Grade changes are submitted through the Grade Change form in

Records Retention (ADM 2-3)
Documentation used to make a grade decision must be retained for one year.

Student Academic Appeals (Policy ED 4-0)
Thompson Rivers University (TRU) recognizes that although most students experience no concerns regarding their education, some students occasionally experience problems with the interpretations of TRU policy or procedures by TRU staff. TRU encourages students and staff to resolve academic issues through discussion with a faculty/instructor, chair and/or Dean prior to submitting a formal academic appeal. When resolution is not reached, students may bring forward for formal review, matters that have not been resolved to their satisfaction.

TRU recognizes the right of students to appeal:

  • decisions on final grades (an appeal on a decision on a grade other than a final grade requires consent of the relevant Dean);
  • decisions on the application of Senate policies, procedures and regulations as they relate to student academic performance; and
  • perceived unethical conduct by TRU staff or other students.

For support in filing an academic appeal, students should review the Student Academic Appeals Policy and contact the Office of Student Affairs.

Student Academic Integrity (ED 5-0)
It is the responsibility of Thompson Rivers University faculty/instructors and staff to take reasonable steps to prevent and to detect acts of academic dishonesty. It is a faculty/instructor's responsibility to confront a student when such an act is suspected and to take appropriate action if academic dishonesty, in the opinion of the faculty/instructor, has occurred.

The Academic Integrity Committee, a standing committee of the Thompson Rivers University Senate, oversees the academic integrity process of the institution. The committee has developed guidelines and resources to assist faculty/instructors in their submission of an infraction of the Student Academic Integrity Policy. For information, please visit the Academic Dishonesty Reporting Procedure section on the Academic Integrity Committee website.

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