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Thompson Rivers University
Thompson Rivers University

Meet the Team

Contact the SL Coordinator

Elizabeth Templeman
Phone: 250-828-5277 (please leave a message and Elizabeth will get back to you)
Office: OM 2699

Meet the SL Leaders

Interested in becoming an SL Leader? Click here

    • Esperanza_Cantu

      Esperanza Cantu

      Learn more about Esperanza

      What drew me to become an SL leader?

      Attending SL sessions showed me the positive impact that studying collaboratively can have. I became an SL leader to help create this environment that promotes collaboration and helps other students succeed.

      My best or most memorable SL moment:

      When I was preparing for finals, I attended a session where we discussed a concept that I had been struggling to understand, and realized it was actually easy.

      I never go to class without:

      Previously reading about the content that will be viewed in class. Going to class with an understanding of what the professor will lecture on and with specific questions of that content makes the learning more efficient.

      Best advice I’ve ever received:

      The key to success is consistency.

      What I wish I’d known on the first day of university:

      The most important skills to have in university are time management and organization. These help us to balance life and avoid stressful situations.

      My academic “a-ha moment”:

      I mostly struggled with learning the terminology in Accounting. I realized that making flashcards and practising with them can be really helpful.

    • Nikki _Khanna

      Nikki Chhabra

      Learn more about Nikki

      My best or most memorable SL moment:

      Sessions with flashcards and the final exam review that made me confident about my preparation for test day.

      I never go to class without:

      A notebook and a pen – I prefer to take notes like an old-school kid.

      Best advice I’ve ever received:

      Just go with the flow and everything you ever dream shall come your way. Hope with faith is a big thing!

      I didn’t think I needed SL until:

      I attended it once and then I became a regular. It just motivated me to study in-depth and to excel in the course.

      My academic “a-ha moment”:

      For Accounting, totally when my balance sheet matches.

    • Olivia _Simms

      Olivia Simms

      Learn more about Olivia

      What drew me to become an SL leader?

      In my first year, I really benefitted from attending SL. It's a great place to meet friends, make mistakes in a relaxed environment, and grow as a learner! We have a lot of fun in SL sessions and it's comforting to see that others are in the same boat. I also love helping participants bring classroom economics principles back to their own lives and interests.

      I never go to class without:

      A good pen and a strong cup of coffee.

      Best advice I’ve ever received:

      Take your life seriously, but don't take yourself too seriously.

      What I wish I’d known on the first day of university:

      Take advantage of as many campus supports and events as you can. There's a lot of help available on your academic journey if you take the first step and reach out!

      My academic “a-ha moment”:

      Sometimes a new subject requires that I completely revamp the way I study. It takes time to figure out what kind of preparation is best for how each course is evaluated. Adaptability and patience are key!

    • Presley_Kitamura

      Presley Kitamura

      Learn more about Presley

      What drew me to become an SL leader?

      The opportunity to get involved with a program that helped me tremendously during my first year, and now getting the chance to help other students succeed in the course!

      I never go to class without:

      My laptop, water bottle and peppermint gum.

      What I wish I’d known on the first day of university:

      That the year would go by extremely fast! It was easy to get consumed by the amount of work and studying for classes, but it’s also important to remember to take a breather, do something you love, and just enjoy the moment.

      I didn’t think I needed SL until:

      A friend suggested we go to a session together. Afterward, I realized I didn’t understand the subject or concepts as well as I thought I did! SL helped me to figure out what I knew, what I didn’t, and how to adjust my study accordingly.

    • Manuel Centeno

      Manuel Centeno

      Learn more about Manuel

      What drew me to become an SL leader?

      I enjoy meeting, talking and engaging with new people, and have always had a desire to help those around me. By becoming an SL leader, I’ll be able to help my peers succeed in areas in which I am interested and knowledgeable.

      I never sit down to study without:

      Plenty of snacks, headphones, and a bright space.

      Best advice I’ve ever received:

      “If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.”
      -Albert Einstein

      What I wish I’d known on the first day of university:

      There is no competition for the highest grade in a class. It’s important to work alongside your peers to progress and fulfill your academic goals together in a positive environment.

      I didn’t think I needed SL until:

      I showed up to an exam review. Thinking I was completely prepared, and realized I still had much more to learn and study. This not only gave me an idea of how to prepare, but also which areas I was weaker at and what to focus on studying.

    • Disha_Datta

      Disha Datta

      Learn more about Disha

      What drew me to become an SL leader?

      As an international student starting university in a new country, I was looking for every resource that would help me work through my courses. So, when I learned about SL, I decided to attend whenever I could. Soon these sessions became a part of my routine and gave me that extra push to succeed in my course. My leader inspired me and by the end of the semester, I had no doubt that I wanted to be a part of SL.

      Best advice I’ve ever received:

      “Just start and the rest will come to you by itself!” Everything seems complicated and difficult from the outside but once we start a project, it gets much easier. This also helps battle procrastination.

      What I wish I’d known on the first day of university:

      I wish someone had told me that it’s not as difficult as it seems. I felt quite overwhelmed and was unsure if I would be able to do well in disciplines I hadn’t ever studied before but my friends, professors and all the resources on campus made me feel confident - quite fast. (Also, the library is extremely helpful, especially for Arts).

      My academic “a-ha moment”:

      I had been trying to figure out the most useful learning techniques and slowly realized that self-testing worked best for me. Reviewing everything just before the test was nearly impossible and would leave me anxious and wondering if I remembered anything. However, once I figured out that all I had to do was solve possible questions and, in the process, understand which areas I was not sure about, I felt much more confident walking into my exams.

    • Maggie Jones 2

      Maggie Jones

      Learn more about Maggie

      What drew me to become an SL leader?

      I find that learning is a two-way street, and that teaching is the best way to help myself learn! I was excited to turn that into a way to help others.

      I never sit down to study without:

      My Pilot G-Tec C4 pen.

      Best advice I’ve ever received:

      To try what I’m interested in, because I’ll never be too old to start over.

      What I wish I’d known on the first day of university:

      How important finding profs who were passionate about what (and how) they taught would be, and how important it is to actually take notes in lecture.

      I didn’t think I needed SL until:

      I realized that it was more compatible with my style of learning and helped me get a firmer grasp on the content of my courses.

    • Cheltey_Berlinguette

      Cheltey Berlinguette
      Anatomy and Physiology

      Learn more about Cheltey

      What drew me to become an SL leader?

      I wanted to provide support to a course that I didn’t have: Anatomy & Physiology. BIOL 1592 & 1692 is a tough course covering a lot of content in a short amount of time, and I think it is amazing that we’re able to provide support for this course once again. Also, it was exciting that such an amazing instructor asked me to apply for this opportunity.

      I never go to class without:

      My laptop! I can type pretty quickly, so this is the easiest way for me to get notes down throughout class. My iPad is also handy when it comes to drawing diagrams and creating mind-maps.

      What I wish I’d known on the first day of university:

      The number of services that there are to support students. It took me a while to figure this out, but I’m grateful now to know what’s available to us as students (such as SL!).

      My academic “a-ha moment”:

      Spaced repetition is my best friend. It has helped me learn, understand, and review a lot of content over the span of a semester, rather than cramming and blindly memorizing. Also, you’ll know you are confident with what you know if you’re able to easily explain the content to someone who isn’t familiar with it – most of the time I teach my boyfriend!

    • Ella_Colistro

      Ella Colistro

      Learn more about Ella

      What drew me to become an SL leader?

      SL and the amazing leaders who support the program allowed me to develop so many skills and learning strategies to help me succeed. I became an SL leader to help others do the same.

      I never go to class without:

      A water bottle and my laptop.

      Best advice I’ve ever received:

      Learn something new everyday.

      What I wish I’d known on the first day of university:

      That there is more to university than just attending lectures. There are so many opportunities to take advantage of.

      My academic “a-ha moment”:

      I was studying for my very first midterm, and realized I didn’t know how to study effectively. After attending SL sessions I learned a variety of review and study methods that I was able to apply to my own learning.

    • Erin_Plowe

      Erin Plowe

      Learn more about Erin

      What drew me to become an SL leader?

      I naturally love helping people. Making a positive impact on someone’s learning is so important and fulfilling for me. Plus, I appreciate SL’s mantra of collaborative learning. There are so many ways to learn; sharing ideas will guide us to success.

      I never go to class without:

      Being prepared by reading the preceding lecture notes and predicting which sections to pay extra attention to if the concepts seem difficult to understand.

      Best advice I’ve ever received:

      Life is not fair. The most successful people don’t blame others… but take self-accountability and ownership of their lives and then make small changes every day to better themselves and the people around them.

      What I wish I’d known on the first day of university:

      It’s okay to be nervous. Don’t be afraid to meet new people and reach out for help when needed. There are so many opportunities offered at TRU.

      My academic “a-ha moment”:

      Failure can lead to your biggest triumphs! Learn from your mistakes. Each class brings different challenges. It’s important to adapt how we learn as we progress.

    • Paige_Hembling

      Paige Hembling

      Learn more about Paige

      What drew me to become an SL leader?

      SL sessions were so helpful to me in my first year. I loved the collaborative environment and review methods. I want to help others find the same success that my leaders helped me find, especially in a subject I know and understand well.

      Best advice I’ve ever received:

      Don’t let the fear of doing something stop you from trying. The anticipation is almost always worse than the task itself.

      What I wish I’d known on the first day of university:

      Not everyone adapts to university in the same way. What works for others might not work for you, and you’ll probably have to try out different strategies before you find what fits.

      I didn’t think I needed SL until:

      My days started getting busier and I stopped finding time to review notes. SL encouraged me to prioritize review instead of procrastinating until the day before the exam.

      My academic “a-ha moment”:

      Understanding the subject material is way more important than a grade on one test or assignment. If you don’t do as well as you wanted, but then figure out something you’d missed because of it, it can still be a win.

    • Kiara_Lenart

      Kiara Lenart

      Learn more about Kiara

      I didn’t think I needed SL until:

      I attended my first SL session!

      I never go to class without:

      My coloured pens!

      Best advice I’ve ever received:

      It’s okay to ask for help.

      What I wish I’d known on the first day of university:

      You learn from your mistakes, and you need to make mistakes to grow!

    • Jadyn_Michael

      Jadyn Michael

      Learn more about Jadyn

      What drew me to become an SL leader?

      I wanted to become an SL leader after attending a semester of sessions and learning how to retain more information using strategies my leader had shown me throughout the term.

      I never go to class without:

      Coffee and snacks.

      What I wish I’d known on the first day of university:

      Find friends in your classes to study with, don’t overload your schedule, and continue to make time for yourself.

      I didn’t think I needed SL until:

      My second semester of first year psychology when some of the content became more intensive. By attending the sessions regularly I was able to process everything and recall it more accurately.

      My academic “a-ha moment”:

      Writing down everything I can remember from the most recent class and then going back to fill in anything I wasn’t sure about is a great way to build the connections between topics.

    • Tionna_Lenart

      Tionna Lenart

      Learn more about Tionna

      What drew me to become an SL leader?

      I’ve always had a passion for helping those around me. Based on my experiences as a participant in SL, I knew becoming a leader would be a great way for me to help others. I’m also excited to share my passion for learning with fellow students!

      Best advice I’ve ever received:

      When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

      What I wish I’d known on the first day of university:

      Although it might feel quite overwhelming at the moment, it will get easier. Just stay committed and put in the effort!

      I didn’t think I needed SL until:

      I went to a session and by the end of the 50-minutes I had a complete understanding of a topic that had been taking me hours to comprehend on my own.

Group photo of Supplemental Learning leaders
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