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Thompson Rivers University
Thompson Rivers University

Grade Point Average

What is a grade point average (GPA)?

Your grade point average (GPA) is a measure of how well you are doing in your academic studies. At TRU, the academic grading scale goes from "A+" to "F", with grade points assigned to each letter. A student’s grade point average is a mathematical calculation that indicates where an average of the grades falls on the scale.

To find out what point value is assigned to each letter grade, you can view the Grading Systems Policy ED 3-5. There are four grade scales at TRU depending on your program:

  • Graduate studies
  • Academic/career/developmental
  • Trades
  • Law
How do I calculate my GPA?

Download the GPA Calculator (XLS)

Distance and Online Students:
For students taking TRU-OL courses, please see the final grades policy.

What is a term grade point average (TERM GPA)?

Your term GPA is the average of your grades for only one semester. For example, if you earn a grade of "A-" in all courses, you would have a TERM GPA of 3.67.

What is a cumulative grade point average (CUM GPA)?

Your cumulative GPA is a calculation of the average of all your grades for all semesters and courses completed at TRU.

Note: Courses completed at other institutions do not affect your cumulative GPA at TRU. Transfer credits earned from course work completed at other institutions will be recorded on your TRU transcripts, but not the grade attained in each course.

Which courses are used in the GPA calculation?

All undergraduate and graduate credit courses are used in the GPA calculation. U-Prep and ESAL courses are not included in your GPA.

Does repeating a course remove a low grade from a transcript?

A transcript is an accurate record of all courses attempted. Therefore, repeating a course does not remove the lower grade from a transcript, but only the higher grade will be used in the cumulative (CUM) GPA calculation.

Any student may repeat a course one time. To enroll in a course for a third or subsequent time, you must receive written approval from the department chair. See the Course and Program Repeaters Policy ED 3-3.

Depending on your situation you may want to retake a course in which you attained a "D" or "F" or "DNC" grade. Only the highest grade is used to determine your CUM GPA.

How does a "DNC" or an "F" affect GPA?

When a student does not complete a course, does not formally withdraw, or does not attend the final exam, a letter grade of "DNC" is given which stands for "did not complete". A "DNC" affects your GPA the same as an "F" grade does and results in a failure. The grade point values for both a "DNC" and an "F" are 0.00.

What is a deferred grade (DEF)?

A "DEF" means your instructor is granting you additional time to complete course work.

For extenuating circumstances, you could ask your instructor for additional time, up to a maximum of six weeks, to complete course assignments. If your instructor agrees to give you extra time, you will be given a course deferral (DEF). If no grade is submitted within six weeks, the "DEF" will be changed to a "DNC". The "DEF" will appear on your transcript during the six-week period.

How do you appeal a grade?

To appeal a grade you must follow TRU policy as explained in the Student Academic Appeals Policy ED 4-0. According to policy, a student should attempt to resolve the concern by discussing the situation with the instructor. If the concern is not resolved, then the student should make contact with the next highest level of responsibility — usually the department chair.

If the issue remains unresolved, the student may commence an appeal in accordance with the procedure set out in the appeals regulations. For more information, please contact the Office of Student  Affairs located in Old Main, Room OM 1631 or phone 250-828-5023.

What is the academic renewal?

Academic renewal allows a returning student to apply to the Registrar’s Office for academic forgiveness of the prior cumulative grade point average. The policy is designed for undergraduate students who have gained maturity outside of higher education and have demonstrated acceptable academic performance following their return.

To be eligible:
Returning undergraduate students must have previously attempted 30 or fewer credits and have had an absence of at least three calendar years from any post-secondary institution (except to complete courses required for readmission to TRU).

For full details, review the Academic Renewal Policy ED 3-11.

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