Ryan Gauthier

Associate Professor

BA (Carleton), JD (Harvard), PhD (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Ryan received his JD from Harvard Law School in 2010. Afterwards, he worked as an associate with the labour and employment practice of Heenan Blaikie, LLP, a national Canadian law firm. He completed his PhD at Erasmus University Rotterdam in 2015, and joined TRU Law in 2016.

Ryan’s research examines issues related to sports law, particularly in the areas of human rights and integrity. Ryan’s PhD work examined violations of international human rights law by hosts of the Olympic Games, and the role of the International Olympic Committee in addressing those abuses. In recent years, Ryan has examined sports governance in Canada, risks to the respecting of human rights of eSport competitors, and governance issues related to the public financing of stadiums. Ryan also compares North American and European approaches to sports law.

Consistent with Ryan’s international approach, he has held visiting posts in the USA and Australia. Ryan is also a Former Visiting Academic at Bond University, has been a Visiting Associate Professor at the University of Oregon over multiple years, and is the Director of the Oregon Summer Sports Law Institute.

Ryan currently teaches Tort Law, Sports Law, and Sports & Human Rights. In prior years, he has taught Legislation, Administration & Policy, International Law, Employment Law, and Human Rights Law.

Ryan serves as the Chair of the TRU Law Moots Committee. He has coached teams in the Jessup International Law Moot, the Hockey Arbitration Competition of Canada, and the National Sports Law Negotiation competition.

Ryan is a member of the Sports Lawyers Association, and is on their international committee. Ryan is a member of the BC Law Society, and remains a non-practicing member of the New York Bar.

Co-Authored Books
  • Cap in Hand: How Salary Caps are Killing Pro Sports and Why the Free Market Could Save Them (Toronto: ECW Press, 2018) with Bruce Dowbiggin
Co-Edited Books
  • Handbook on International Sports Law, 2nd ed (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2022) with James A.R. Nafziger
Authored Chapters in Edited Collections
  • “When ‘Legally Good Enough’ is not Enough: Non-Disclosure Agreements and the Hockey Canada Governance Crisis” in A. Greenhow & J. Wolohan, eds, The Routledge Handbook on Sports Law and Governance (Routledge, 2025)
  • “League and Team Restrictions on Player Movement” in James A.R. Nafziger and Ryan Gauthier, eds, Handbook on International Sports Law, 2nd ed (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2022)
  • “Canada”, in Sandy Adam, ed, National Sports Governance Observer 2: Benchmarking Governance in National Sports Organisations (Arhus: PlaytheGame, 2021)
  • “Quasi-States and Sport: Building a Case for Statehood” in Karen N. Scott, Kathleen Clausen, Charles-Emmanuel Côté & Atsuko Kanehara, eds, Changing Actors in International Law (Leiden: Brill, 2021) 48
  • “Player Movement and Competition Law: A US/EU Comparison” in Mike McCann, ed, Oxford University Press Handbook of American Sports Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018) 449
Co-Authored Chapters in Edited Collections
  • “Barriers to Access to Justice” in Adam M. Dodek & Jeffrey G. Hoskins, eds, Canadian Legal practice – A Guide for the 21st Century (Toronto: LexisNexis, 2009) (loose-leaf updated 2009, release 1), ch 22 with Nitya Iyer
Authored Articles in Academic Journals
Co-Authored Articles in Academic Journals
Other Publications
Ryan Gauthier

OM 4749

  • Tort Law (LAWF 3070)
  • Sports and Human Rights (LAWF 3780)
  • Sports Law: Pro Leagues (LAWF 3980)