Distance, Regional, and Open Learning Library (DROL) Services are for students, staff, and faculty involved in TRU distance/open learning courses or in courses at TRU's regional centres (e.g., Lillooet and Clearwater).
For more information about accessing the library, research help, requesting items, and our services, click on the tabs above.
Use the Discover search box on the Library's homepage to search for the library's resources.
Please note: To access library resources off-campus, please use your TRU network username and password.
Library Accounts
New TRU-OL students are loaded into the library system weekly. If you register for another TRU-OL course, you may need to contact the Library to have your account reactivated. If you have not received an email activating your account or if your account has expired, please contact the Library.
OLFM & Course Developer/Consultant Contracts:
Request an account or an account renewal by contacting the Library.
Please include your TRU employee number if you have one.
Accessing Library Resources
Use your TRU network username and password to access library resources while off campus and to request items through our Interlibrary Loans service.
- Students: the username and password that you use to access wifi, Moodle, and computers on campus.
- Faculty: the network username and password that you use to log into Moodle or TRU email.
Using other Libraries
TRU is part of the Canadian Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement (CURBA), which allows students, staff, and faculty to have in-person borrowing privileges at most university libraries across Canada.
TRU is also part of the CPSLD Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement for BC Institutions which allows students, staff, and faculty to have in-person borrowing privileges at most college and university libraries in BC.
Please note: Contact the TRU Library's Distance, Regional, and Open Learning Library (DROL) Services to request a COPPUL card.
Contact us for research help by online form or our toll-free phone number (1-800-663-1699). We are here to help you!
You can also check out our Library Research 101: Research at a Distance Guide for help.
You can request articles, book chapters, books, or videos from the TRU Library by phone, email, or, preferably, using Discover's "Request this Item" feature (for books).
If the TRU Library does not own the item that you require, we will try to get it for you from another library via our interlibrary loan (ILL service). The Library will not request required textbooks via interlibrary loan.
The TRU Library tries to send library materials as soon as possible after a request is received, usually within one business day. However, please allow a minimum of 7 days to receive books/videos. Some items in high demand may be in use or unavailable when requested. Please indicate in your request whether you will accept a substitution the same topic.
Please note: This service is to support research and study at TRU. Please place requests for personal reading materials with your public library.
Articles and Book Chapters
- Copies are sent to you via email. They do not need to be returned to the Library.
- Check Discover to see if you can access the article or book online via one of our electronic journals or ebooks.
- Use Discover's "Request this Item" feature or our online forms to request an article or a book chapter. If you can't find the article or book in Discover, use our online interlibrary loan form.
- TIP: If you're looking for a book chapter, search Discover for the book title, not the chapter title.
Books and Videos
- Sent to you via Canada XpressPost, unless you prefer to pick them up in person at a TRU Library (Brown Family House of Learning or Williams Lake Campus Library).
- Includes a bookmark stating the due date.
- Includes a pre-paid return mailing label so that any items can be returned to the TRU Library at no cost to you.
- NOTE: You are responsible for returning materials to the TRU Library on or before the due date. We recommend that the item is in the mail at least 3 business days before the due date to ensure that materials are received by the TRU Library in time. Overdue fines are charged on late materials.
- The TRU Library does NOT provide required textbooks.
- Unfortunately, the TRU Library cannot send any books/videos to anyone outside of Canada or the US.
- Check Discover to see if the book is available online via one of our ebooks.
- Use Discover's "Request this item" feature to request a book, CD, or video. If you can't find the book in Discover, use our online interlibrary loan form.
Loan Periods, Fines and Charges
Undergraduate Students - Distance, Regional, and Open Learning
Library Item |
Loan Length |
Maximum # of Renewals* |
Fines Levied Per Item/Day |
Books |
8 weeks |
4 |
none |
Videos (VHS, DVD) |
8 weeks |
2 |
none |
Software |
8 weeks |
4 |
none |
Audio CD |
8 weeks |
2 |
none |
Government Documents |
8 weeks |
4 |
none |
Interlibrary Loans |
2 weeks (or determined by the lending library) |
0 |
$2.00/day |
*unless item is recalled. |
Graduate Students - Distance, Regional and Open Learning
Library Item |
Loan Length |
Maximum # of Renewals* |
Fines Levied Per Item/Day |
Books |
6 months |
2 |
none |
Videos (VHS, DVD) |
6 months |
2 |
none |
Software |
6 months |
2 |
none |
Audio CD |
6 months |
2 |
none |
Government Documents |
6 months |
2 |
none |
Interlibrary Loans |
2 weeks (or determined by the lending library) |
0 |
$2.00/day |
*unless item is recalled. |
Faculty - Distance, Regional and Open Learning
Library Item |
Loan Length |
Maximum # of Renewals* |
Fines Levied Per Item/Day |
Books |
6 months |
2 |
none |
Videos (VHS, DVD) |
6 months |
2 |
none |
Software |
6 months |
2 |
none |
Audio CD |
6 months |
2 |
none |
Government Documents |
6 months |
2 |
none |
Interlibrary Loans |
2 weeks (or determined by the lending library) |
0 |
$2.00/day |
*unless item is recalled. |
Recalled items will be due 7 days after a recall (hold) is placed, unless the minimum guaranteed loan length has not been reached.
The minimum guaranteed loan length for standard recalled items is 7 days.
Library users will be sent a recall email to their TRU email address with due dates included.
Late fines will be assessed at $2 per day for recalled items that are not returned on time.
To request to renew TRU Library items, please email the Library at library@tru.ca
- All library users are charged fines for overdue recalled items, overdue inter-library loan items, damaged, or lost library materials.
- Late fines begin to accrue as soon as these items become overdue.
- Library accounts with $10 or more owed to the Library will be suspended.
- Due date reminders: The Library sends reminders to your TRU email three days, and again one day, before due dates.
- Overdue notices: The Library sends overdue notices to your email when items are 7 and 14 days overdue. If an item has not been returned or renewed within 28 days, it is assumed to be lost, and a bill will be added to the account for the replacement cost of the lost item.
- Payment options include:
- Payments can be made by Interac or credit card (Visa or Mastercard). TRU Library does not take cash.
- By phone: Payment by credit card (Visa or Mastercard).
Services for Students
- Access to all TRU Library's online resources (e.g., eBooks and article databases)
- Research/Reference assistance from a librarian to find information on a particular topic or for assistance on how to use library tools (such as article databases) more effectively.
- Email you copies of book chapters and articles from journals, magazines, or newspapers
- Loan of any circulating item in the TRU Library collection and delivery of library materials (e.g., books and videos) to your home or workplace with prepaid return shipping labels included
- NOTE: Not available to students living outside of Canada and the US.
- Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service for journal/magazine articles, books, and videos that are not in the TRU library's collection. (Excludes required textbooks)
Services for Faculty
- Access to all TRU Library's online resources (e.g., eBooks and article databases)
- Research/Reference assistance from a librarian to find information on a particular topic or for assistance on how to use library tools (such as article databases) more effectively.
- Email you copies of book chapters and articles from journals, magazines, or newspapers
- Loan of any circulating item in the TRU Library collection and delivery of library materials (e.g., books, and videos) to your home or workplace via Priority Post
- NOTE: Not available to faculty living outside of Canada and the US.
- Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service for journal/magazine articles and books that are not in the TRU library's collection.
- Provide advice and assistance on integrating information literacy skills into course/program curriculum.
- Conduct in-depth literature searches to identify journal articles and books on selected topics
- Offer advice on the effective use of library resources to support teaching, learning, and research.
- Check recommended/required reading lists against library holdings for specific course assignments
- Provide ideas for avoiding or minimizing frustration of students when they need library services to complete their assignments
- Offer information literacy instruction to your students to teach them the skills and abilities they need to become "information literate," life-long learners. These skills and abilities, which are more than simply "how to search the catalogue and article databases," will enable students to complete their research assignments more effectively and efficiently.