Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics


Admission requirements

Applications are accepted at any time for admissions in the fall (September), winter (January) or summer (May or June) semesters. Apply early and register for courses as soon as possible after being admitted to ensure you get the schedule you want.

Year 1 entry requirements

  1. B.C. Grade 12 or mature student status
  2. Foundations Math 12 or Pre-Calculus Math 12 with minimum C+ or equivalent
  3. English 12/English 12 First Peoples with a minimum of 73 per cent or equivalent

Admissions to the BBA are open, meaning all applicants who meet the entrance requirements are accepted. If you do not meet the requirements, you are accepted conditionally and can commence your studies while you upgrade your English and mathematics.

Degree requirements

  1. Complete at least 120 credits with a minimum of 60 credits as TRU credit. Students must also complete a minimum of 36 business credits as defined by AACSB as TRU credit. More than 120 credits may have to be taken to meet these requirements.
  2. Complete the General Education Requirements, Core Courses, and a Major or General BBA.
  3. Complete a minimum of 45 credits in non-business courses, 51 upper level credits, and 39 upper level credits in business or ECON. Business courses include those beginning with the ACCT, BLAW, MIST, ENTR, FNCE, HRMN, IBUS, MKTG, MNGT, ORGB, SCMN, or BUSN acronyms. Complete at least four 4000-level business or ECON courses including MNGT 4780.
  4. No more than 30 credits completed at other university-level institutions as part of a student exchange may be counted toward completion of the BBA program.Students must have their courses approved by the Program Advisor before participating in an exchange.
  5. If completing a major and a minor, students can only share credit for one course. When completing a double major, students may share credit between two courses only.
  6. No more than nine upper level credits of a combination of Service Learning or Cooperative Education may be counted towards the BBA requirements. A minimum CGPA of 2.67 is required for admission to service learning courses or cooperative education.
  7. Attain an overall CGPA of at least 2.0, and grades of C- or better in all core courses, Major/Minor courses, General BBA courses or prerequisites courses. Students must earn a minimum of B- in prerequisites for some upper level accounting and finance courses.
  8. Students must apply for graduation and attendance at Convocation by completing and submitting the appropriate form(s). The deadline for submitting an application to graduate and attend Convocation is March 31 with program completion by April 30 for the June ceremony and July 31 with program completion by August 31 for the October ceremony.
  9. No BBA credit will be given for ECON 1220 if it is taken after completion of either ECON 1900 (or equivalent) or ECON 1950 (or equivalent).
  10. No BBA credit will be given for MATH 1100 if it is taken after completion of MATH 1070 (or equivalent). No credit will be given for MATH 1000 if it is taken after completion of MATH 1170 (or equivalent).
  11. Normally, students will only be allowed to attempt a single course twice. A third attempt must be approved by the chairperson of the department offering the course. The highest grade achieved in duplicated courses will be used for CGPA calculations, but the student's record will show all attempts.
  12. Transfer credit will be determined on a course-by-course basis. Equivalent courses taken at approved two-year colleges will be awarded credit for lower level courses only. Upper level credit will be granted if a course is taken at an acceptable university. Normally, the course must be 80 percent equivalent to receive transfer credit.
  13. Transfer credit will be assigned in accordance with the BC Transfer Guide, the TRU Credit Bank, a formal articulation agreement between the two institutions, or a specific course evaluation based on a course outline provided by the educational institution. Students with international education must provide translated official transcripts. Students must have a grade of C- or higher to receive transfer credit – non-graded (Pass/Fail, Complete) or university preparation credits will not be accepted. Transferred courses are awarded credit only and are not included in the CGPA.
  14. Prior Learning Assessment (PLAR) is the assessment by some valid and reliable means of what has been learned through formal and non-formal education, training or experience that is worthy of credit in a course or program offered by TRU. PLAR is used to evaluate knowledge, skills and competencies which have been acquired through, but not limited to, work experience, independent reading, hobbies, volunteer work, non-formal learning, travel and artistic pursuits. PLAR can be awarded using an individual assessment or the TRU Credit Bank.
  15. For individual assessment for business and ECON credit, applicants will be evaluated by portfolio and/or a challenge exam that is assessed by a qualified tenured/tenure track faculty member from the academic department responsible for the course – if a challenge exam is written, a grade of C or higher is required to receive credit. PLAR credit counts towards the residency requirement of the BBA and is awarded credit only and not included in a student’s CGPA. PLAR credit awarded by other Canadian accredited post-secondary institutions that have formally adopted the assessment standards of the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning and/or the BC Council on Admissions and Transfer (BCCAT) prior learning standards and guidelines will also be recognized. Students should contact an Academic Advisor if they feel they are eligible for PLAR credit. Note: Students can use no more than 30 PLAR credits towards the BBA requirements.
  16. The university maintains a credit bank containing course equivalencies for courses or programs such as professional licences, designations, or certificates completed outside of the college or university system. These non-formal courses and programs have been previously evaluated by qualified tenured/tenure track faculty members from the academic department responsible for the course and the credits to be awarded are predetermined. Students should contact an Academic Advisor if they feel they are eligible for credit from the credit bank or have taken other courses or programs that they believe should be included.


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