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Thompson Rivers University
Thompson Rivers University

Part-Time Grants & Loans

Eligibility for part-time grants and loans

Changes to StudentAid BC Student Information Management System

Applications for part-time grants and loans have moved online and StudentAid BC uses the BC Services Card App. Set up your BC Services Card App first to expedite the application process.

To be eligible for federal or provincial student loans and/or grants, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident or have protected person status.
  • Be enrolled in a TRU degree, diploma or certificate program (post-secondary only).
  • Apply through the province where you are considered a resident for loan/grant purposes.
  • Be enrolled in a course load that is between 20 and 59 per cent of a full course load (normally 3 - 8 undergraduate credits, either on campus or via Open Learning) and is at least six weeks in duration.
  • Can demonstrate financial need (according to the formula used by StudentAid BC).
  • Are in good standing with any previous Canada or BC student loans.
Students taking Open Learning courses:

Please note that any students taking Open Learning courses and receiving government funding, such as student loans or the Canada Student Grant for Part-Time Students, must complete all course requirements within the 4 month (17 week) study period. For distance education students, this is a much shorter completion schedule than the 30 weeks that Open Learning most commonly allows.

Qualifying as a part-time student in the Campus summer semester

To be considered part-time, a maximum of 8 credits can be taken over the entire summer semester. The credits can be split in any combination but may not exceed 8 credits over all three sessions.

To combine Open Learning courses, registration in those OL courses must occur between April 1 and April 30 only. The course must be completed by August 31.

What expenses do the part-time funding programs cover?

The part-time funding program does not cover living costs. It allows for:

  • Tuition and compulsory fees
  • Books and supplies
  • Unsubsidized child care costs incurred to attend classes

How to apply for part-time grants and loans

Canada Student Grant for part-time students

A grant up to $2,520 per program year (Aug-Jul) is available for part-time students who qualify under the low income guidelines. Students who regularly study full-time but wish to take a part-time course load over their next semester may also qualify for funding for 1-2 courses.

CSG for Part-Time Students

Canada Student Grant for part-time students with dependants

If you:

  • qualify for the Part-time Students grant, and
  • you have dependants aged 11 or under, and
  • your financial need in this program year is not fully met by the grant for part‑time students

then you may receive this additional grant funding up to $2,688 per program year.

CSG for Part-Time Students with Dependents

Canada Student Loan for part-time students (less than 60 percent course load)

If you are studying at less than 60 percent of a full course load but do not quality for part-time grants you may be eligible to receive up to $10,000 in part-time student loans.

Canada Student Grants for persons with permanent disabilities

If you have a permanent disability that affects your ability to attend classes, you may qualify for a grant of $2,800 per program year.

CSG for Students with Disabilities

If you are a BC resident you may also qualify for the Supplemental Bursary for Students with Disabilities. Disbursements are $400 or $800 depending on your course load.

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