Governance at TRU is divided into three bodies responsible for corporate and academic decision-making.
The Board of Governors makes decisions on such matters as property development, labour and finance. The Senate and the Planning Council for Open Learning make decisions on such matters as curriculum, credentials, admissions and educational policies. The composition, powers and duties of each governing body are legislated by the Province of British Columbia in the Thompson Rivers University Act.
Elections are held each fall and winter to fill positions on the TRU governing bodies as necessary.
Winter 2025 elections for the Board of Governors, Senate, the Planning Council for Open Learning and the TRU Community Trust Board of Directors.
Below are the student candidates seeking election to fill positions on TRU’s governing bodies.
Board of Governors
Two (2) Student representatives for the appointment term September 1, 2025, to August 31, 2026.
Four (4) Student representatives for the appointment term September 1, 2025, to August 31, 2026.
Two (2) Faculty representatives for the appointment term September 1, 2025, to August 31, 2028, from, the following faculties/schools:
- Faculty of Education and Social Work
- Faculty of Science
- Faculty of Student Development
- School of Trades and Technology
Vacant – no nominations
Vacant – no nominations
Brad Kozubski
Ryan Munden
Planning Council for Open Learning (PCOL)
One (1) TRU Open Learning Student representative for the appointment term September 1, 2025, to August 31, 2026.
TRU Community Trust Board of Directors
One (1) TRU Student representative for the appointment term September 1, 2025, to August 31, 2026.
Vacant – no nominations
One (1) Faculty representative for the appointment term April 1, 2025, to March 31, 2028.
Vacant – no nominations
Winter 2025 Election Schedule and Procedure
February 3, to February 7, 2025 – Call for Nominations
The Registrar will begin accepting nominations on Monday, February 3, 2025, for all the positions indicated above.
Nominations must be submitted by email to elections@tru.ca by 4:00 pm on Friday, February 7, 2025. Late submissions will NOT be accepted.
A designate of the Registrar will acknowledge receipt of all nominations and confirm candidate eligibility via email.
Nominees are encouraged to review relevant legislation, by-laws, and terms of reference for the governing bodies to which they seek election. (Senate, Board of Governors, Planning Council for Open Learning, TRU Community Trust).
The nomination period will be followed by four (4) weeks before voting commences.
Candidate Statements
Candidates that meet election eligibility requirements are invited to submit a brief candidate statement in support of their nomination. (One page).
The campaign period shall commence as soon as possible and no later than five (5) business days following the end of the nomination period. Candidates and their proponents may begin to campaign only after the Registrar has confirmed the eligibility of all candidates and published the names of all candidates online. The campaign period will continue up to and including the voting period.
All candidates are required to act responsibly and with integrity when campaigning and should familiarize themselves with the Campaigning Guidelines, section 1.5 of the Election Procedures document.
March 10, to March 13, 2025 – Voting
Voting is scheduled to begin on March 10, 2025, and will be conducted by anonymous and secure, on-line ballot through myTRU and TRUemployee. Voting will close at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 13, 2025. No ballots will be accepted after the close of voting.
March 20, 2025 – Election Results
The Registrar will communicate all election results within five (5) business days of the close of voting. Candidates will be notified by email of their outcome.
FULL election results, including voting counts, will be posted on the TRU elections web page after the individual candidates have been notified. Election results will be reported to the Senate at the next possible meeting following the election.
Proposed meeting times and attendance (subject to change)
Meeting times for each governing body will vary and attendance at meetings is required.
- Board of Governors meeting schedule
- Senate meeting schedule
- Planning Council for Open Learning meeting schedule
- TRU Community Trust
For more information, please email TRU Elections at elections@tru.ca.
These elections are carried out in accordance with the Thompson Rivers University Election Procedures for The Board of Governors, Senate, The Planning Council for Open learning and the TRU Community Trust Board of Directors.